a first approach the project and difficulty in late Monday though I did the ex-tampore required for the selection of the area. I expressed how I was first interested in the project areas urbanvoids 6-14-31.
after my usual "work to be lazy" likely to be able to assign projects to be implemented in these three lots are able to have vague ideas for each lot.
are respectively as follows:
6: exhibition of multimedia products.
a space in which they give to the many students of arts and multimedia design already in the country who do not have a way to share with the rest of the country their cries, products, ideas and research.
for broadcasting a 24 / 7, to pump the search expression style of billboard advertising
shinjuku of ideas maybe they have a low budget but have a component innovation. which could be summarized with the following images:
for the area 31 the inspiration came from a source other than perhaps a bit 'my autobiography.
The area itself is part of a mosaic as "Roman" with various periods and types stored nelo same point that converge in this lot that while giving an opportunity for vertical development is also forced to have a garden .
the project idea could be summarized in:
a rehabilitation center for children, ipodotato, big cocks, with social difficulties which makes no distinction between these groups and mainly used as a method " animal therapy ".
opening the possibility of creating a community to decrease the price of education suitable for the child to give economic relief to families.
at the same time be able to create a sovraprodotto to rehabilitate other lives, those of stray animals, forced into a life of misery because of our emotional needs / fashion or necessity, and our urban way of life as a human race.
the concept is evident that I give the word a couple of pictures. do not worry you will not see the heartbreaking images of the poor cousins \u200b\u200babandoned in the streets, but an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to present such a center porebbe:
14 for the area, stimulating an area of \u200b\u200barchitecture because it exposes an organism that is rich in constituents but poor in taxation, rather I designed for a community center in the neighborhood on an international scale. that was the theme on which I made the ex tempore
to give vivacity to the international cultural life that unfortunately in recent years, at least in this city is in the hands of an "elite" that does not create the required promiscuity among ideas and the people.
I say this not to belittle the efforts of a clique in the city trying to support the city's cultural life alive and connected to the rest of the world though with a fine spider web with the help of the sponsors of the accounting year and industrial sectors through a series of parties "exclusive" in here you have a peace of community among the educated.
but to denounce the suicide of the intelligentsia by the negligence of the dialogue with the masses which is more a bit 'left in the hands of religious organizations institutionalized.
to break a bit 'radicta this barrier in the distant past I had thought of a model of the downtown where minds meet and then the bodies that will implement their ideas.
without further prolong the conversation takes me a photo (low resolution for now that I forgot the folder option) the product of the year in order to analyze it better:
then this right here is what I have made the former tempore.
I know it's a poor attempt in order to make one or two concepts.
also the picture size is very small as it is made from a mobile fix it I can get back in
the idea that I explained a bit ', the first is one that is modular. perhaps precisely for that I preferred to the ex tempore on this area or project that other ideas could be integrated to this.
hours before I end this post here to open a new chapter to explain briefly the concepts listed below one by one:
-architecture projects / people
-rationalist humanist movement
and most important of all
the history of the Village Institutes (in turkish Koy Enstituleri)
that was an episode in the history of education reforms worthy of note and on which I base this meeting place for the world and the neighborhood.
to in a while '! MIV