La Nuova Sardegna of March 5, 2011 by A. Nieddu |
The City of La Maddalena also fails the regional call for action in the field of trade and tourism - Suitability of the sales network. " ; ; ;
Montella The civic group said: "No perspective of " .
Once again, the Municipality of the Region participated in a contract and wins the last place on the list. After a humiliating 65th place Litus the call, this time unable to obtain even 185esima position. For local authorities to ban "Regional Programmes for interventions in trade and tourism" was an important opportunity for funding to be allocated to tremendous difficulties in city centers. Up to 200 000 € contribution for the first 35 municipalities. "Just do not lose the habit of informing the public of what otherwise would probably never know, even the old town, and merchants have to deal with the municipal planning is not there. Also grants for the development, revitalization and upgrading of the distribution system of city centers and urban centers, through which we could get € 200 thousand, we have competed for the last seats. Those intended to be occupied by those who do not take a single euro '. And 'This is the comment of councilors Luca Montella, Gary Pedroni and Massimiliano Guccini after the publication of the list. Nearly 5 million and a half of the total private funding to local authorities. 35 municipalities that will benefit from the valuable contribution. To Mary Magdalene impossible to even see the top of the list by 185esima position. "Hundreds of thousands of euro to be added to the history of which we deprive ourselves in this dramatic moment of crisis, apparently because of an administration unable to follow their own schedules, _ added the directors of the civic group Montella _. Seen This Movie Before? No. A serialized drama that will go on until you change channel. " The group preparing yet another question to be submitted in the city council. 'E' but just that the public and interested parties know that nothing will come of what the island was destined to continue advisers historical centers _ _. The notice gave it the possibility of interventions of different types in town centers and urban commercial activities. For example, urban interventions, such as the placement of shelters, barriers, bins and road signs. Public lighting, with new installations or upgrading existing. Improving roads and parking lots, removal of architectural barriers in the areas of markets, but also renovation, expansion and modernization of public buildings. All works referred to our center is in urgent need. "
Civic Group Montella
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